UniSA Scientists Win $7M for Health Research

Identifying genetic links that predispose children to deadly brain cancers and neuroblastoma is the focus of a new Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) project led by University of South Australia researchers.

The $976,292 project is one of five successful UniSA research projects, totalling more than $7 million, announced by the Federal Government today.

Chief Investigator Associate Professor Quenten Schwarz from the Centre for Cancer Biology says he hopes the $976,292 stem cell project will improve treatment outcomes for the two diseases that have a very low survival rate.

"Current treatment-induced side effects lead to long-term complications for children with these neuronal tumours, affecting their neurological and neurocognitive functions," Assoc Prof Schwarz says.

"If we can better identify the genetic links to these diseases, it will inform new targeted treatment options for these cancers that are less toxic."

Other UniSA chief investigators on the project include Professor Stuart Pitson, Dr Katherine Pillman, and Professor Natasha Harvey, along with researchers from SAHMRI, UNSW and the University of Western Australia.

The other UniSA projects awarded MRFF funding include:

Co-design models of care for youth with chronic pain ($2,604,235): MRFF EPCDRI & PHCR Multidisciplinary Models of Primary Care, Chief Investigators: UniSA's Dr Carolyn Berryman, Prof Lorimer Moseley, Dr Hayley Leake, Prof Ian Gwilt, Dr Sarah Wallwork, Abby Jennings, and Prof Adrian Esterman.

This project will develop an improved model of care for the 20% of youths in South Australia who experience chronic pain. This is a serious unmet need in Australia due to affected youths not being believed, leading to delayed diagnosis.

Cost-effectiveness of a new treatment to reduce the risk of chronic post-surgical pain after total knee replacement surgery ($1,998,433): MRFF Preventive and Public Health Research Initiative, Chief Investigators: UniSA's Assoc Prof Natasha Stanton, Prof Lorimer Moseley, Dr Daniel Harvie, Dr Felicity Braithwaite, Peter Ninnes, Dr Tyman Stanford).

Total knee replacement surgery (TKR) is the gold standard care for knee osteoarthritis, with approximately 70,000 TKR surgeries performed each year. However, TKR causes long lasting severe pain for up to 15% of people undergoing surgery. This project will investigate a new lifestyle treatment approach so that people can rehabilitate with better outcomes.

Medication safety rounds in aged care to prevent medication induced harm ($990,645): MRFF Dementia, Ageing and Aged Care Mission, Chief Investigators: UniSA's Assoc Prof Janet Sluggett, Dr Sara Javanparast, Prof Marion Eckert, Prof Debra Rowett, Prof Ian Gwilt, Aaron Davis, Dr Daria Gutteridge.

This study will equip pharmacists, nurses, and aged care workers with the tools to identify medication issues early and develop safe action plans for aged care residents. New medication safety rounds will help address medication harm and management, which is the most common complaint reported to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

Tailored hydrogels to improve wound healing therapy ($588,922): MRFF Stem Cells Therapies Mission, Chief Investigators: UniSA's Prof Allison Cowin and Prof Ferry Melchels.

Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a genetic skin condition affecting children and characterised by fragile skin, chronic blistering, open wounds, fibrosis, constant pain and early death. This project will develop an easy-to-apply stem-cell based WoundGel that stimulates healing without scarring and fibrosis.

The Medical Research Future Fund is a $22 billion long-term investment supporting Australian health and medical research. The MRFF aims to transform health and medical research and innovation to improve lives, build the economy and contribute to health system sustainability.

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