Unlawful Use Charges, West End

Police have charged a man following an incident in West End yesterday afternoon, March 22.

Police will allege around 2:30pm, a man entered a vehicle along Echlin Street, while the victim was making a delivery.

Police allege the man drove off with the victim still inside the vehicle, before colliding with a pole.

The man is alleged to have then assaulted the 24-year-old victim who sustained facial injuries. He was transported to the Townsville General Hospital for treatment.

A member of the public intervened, and the man fled the scene in a vehicle but was located by police a short time later.

A 25-year-old Cherbourg man has been charged with one count each of unlawful use of a motor vehicle (use or threaten violence), unlawful entry of a vehicle for committing an indictable offence, and unlicensed driving.

He is scheduled to appear in the Townsville Magistrates Court tomorrow, March 24.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at www.police.qld.gov.au/reporting.

Report crime information anonymously via Crime Stoppers. Call 1800 333 000 or report online at www.crimestoppersqld.com.au.

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