UN's Founding Amid War Ashes Unveiled in Archive Stories

The United Nations
By Eileen Travers

Take a front seat to how it all began: the birth of the United Nations amid the ashes of the Second World War that devastated continents and communities around the world.

We are taking you back to the summer of 1945, when leaders from 50 countries gathered in San Francisco to agree upon an international treaty to enshrine the equal rights of all people and maintain peace.

This resulting treaty, the UN Charter, is the founding document of the United Nations, which pledged to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.

Watch UN Video's Stories from the UN Archive episode on the founding of the UN below:

Charting a path forward

Delegates agreed on the UN Charter and the Statute of the new International Court of Justice (ICJ) at the conclusion of the UN Conference on International Organization on 26 June 1945. Listen to a UN Radio Classics report, revisiting that date a decade later:

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