Up To $500,000 In Grants For Fresh Return-to-work Ideas


The funding is being delivered by Return to Work Victoria's Innovations program following a $50 million investment to address the most challenging return-to-work barriers and get injured workers back on the job sooner.

Despite the known benefits of returning to work - such as improved mental wellbeing, better financial independence and increased self-esteem - data shows that return-to-work rates for mental injuries remain a challenge, with only 40 percent returning to work within the first six months of a claim, compared to 73 percent for physical injuries.

Grants valued at up to $500,000 are now available for new initiatives and programs targeting early intervention for mental injuries within the first 26 weeks of submitting a claim.

Return to Work Victoria Executive Director Jason Lardelli said collaboration was needed to capture knowledge and insights that will help injured workers re-enter the workforce and get back to their normal lives sooner.

"To help drive the improvements we need for injured workers, we need to bring new thinking, new ideas and new solutions to the table," Mr Lardelli said. "We know that we can't do this alone."

"Injured workers deserve a positive and speedy recovery, which is not only beneficial for the worker, but also for the people they love, their community, our business and workplaces."

Employers, self-insurers, unions and industry groups are all encouraged to apply for the initial round of grant funding, which is aimed at the 10 industries with the highest mental injury rates:

  • Healthcare and social assistance
  • Education and training
  • Transport, postal and warehousing
  • Construction
  • Public administration and safety
  • Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail trade
  • Wholesale trade
  • Administrative and support services

Grant applications are now open and can be submitted online until Monday 28 April 2025.

Funding exclusions and eligibility criteria apply.

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