Upcoming Water Supply Interruptions In Delegate

Tap turned off with single drip hanging in front of a yellow splashback

Council has scheduled water infrastructure work in Delegate from Tuesday 1 April to Thursday 3 April 2025, weather permitting. There will be interruptions to the water supply for properties connected to town water required as part of this work.

All properties connected to town water will have their water supply interrupted for several hours on Tuesday 1 April, with two additional interruptions for a smaller number of properties on Wednesday 2 April and Thursday 3 April 2025.

First scheduled Delegate water supply interruption
Where:Delegate, all properties connected to town water
Date:Tuesday 1 April 2025, weather permitting
Time:9am to 12pm
Second scheduled Delegate water supply interruption
Where:North Delegate:

- Properties on the north side of Bombala Street

- Campbell Street

- Hayden Street

- Orr Street

- Stewart Street

- William Street

Date:Wednesday 2 April 2025, weather permitting
Time:9am to 1pm
Third scheduled Delegate water supply interruption
Where:South Delegate:

- Properties on the south side of Bombala Street

- Craigie Street

- Hayden Street

- Hogarth Street

- Hensleigh Street

- Topping Street south of Hensleigh Street

- Victoria Parade between Topping Street and Hogarth Street

Date:Thursday 3 April 2025, weather permitting
Time:9am to 1pm

Despite our best efforts, you may see some cloudy water coming from your taps once work is complete and your water supply is turned back on. As a precaution, you can run an outside tap for a few minutes once supply has resumed.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please call 1300 345 345 if you have any questions about these upcoming interruptions to your water supply.

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