UPDATE #2: Charges - Death At Yarrawonga

Northern Territory Police have now charged a 21-year-old male in relation to a death in Yarrawonga on Tuesday morning.

He was charged with Careless driving - Resulting in death, Recklessly endangering serious harm - Aggravated, Aggravated unlawful use of a motor vehicle and Drive unlicensed last night.

He has been further remanded to appear in Darwin Local Court today.

Detectives are working with the Department of Public Prosecutions, and further charges are expected.

Police continue to urge anyone with CCTV and dashcam footage in the area between 7.30pm Monday 24 June and 7:30am Tuesday 25 June to contact police and quote job number P24170085.

You can also make an anonymous report through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or through https://crimestoppersnt.com.au/.

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