The Public Activities COVID-19 Direction has been updated in South Australia.
Updates have been made to the Public Activities Direction. This update provides an update to the requirement to keep record of attendee at private functions.
Public Activities Direction No 18
The Public Activities Direction comes into effect as of 4.48pm Friday 22 January 2021.
The changes are as follow:
- Private Functions:
- Private functions remain an invitation only event but the person who conducts the event needs to keep a hardcopy list containing the full name of any person attending the event but not their full residential address as this section has been removed from the Direction.
- The following still applies to invitation only events including a private function at relevant licensed premises only. The function must be in a designated area which has no public access and where possible separate bathroom facilities from the rest of the venue. If there are no separate bathroom facilities for the function, the venue must have a higher frequency of cleaning. The maximum number of people permitted to attend is the same 200 people and the density provision of 1 person per 2 square metres applies. Food and beverages must have no shared utensils but can be consumed while standing. Dancing is also permitted.
- Remaining Gathering Provisions
- Numbers of people permitted in a residential premises have increased and are as follows providing the 1 person per 2 square metre rule is applied:
- 50 people - Permitted
- 51-200 people -Permitted providing there is an approved COVID safe plan at the commencement of the gathering, QR Code and COVID Marshal
- 201 or more - Not Permitted
- Private function at a licensed premises- 200 people maximum 1 person per 2 square metres
- Private Gathering- 200 people maximum, 1 person per 2 square metres
- Private residence- 50 people per house
- Cinema, theatres and other fixed seating- 50% of their standard capacity in patrons without masks or 75% of their standard capacity in patrons with masks.
- Numbers of people permitted in a residential premises have increased and are as follows providing the 1 person per 2 square metre rule is applied:
Other existing requirements remain. The information above only highlights the changes key made to the Directions and does not reflect all requirements. Members of the public are encouraged to see the full Directions for further information.
The Emergency Management (Public Activities No 17) (COVID-19) Direction 2021 has been revoked and replaced by the Emergency Management (Public Activities No 18)(COVID-19) Direction 2021.
All existing directions, frequently asked questions and other information can be found here:
If you require further information you can call the SA COVID-19 Information Line on 1800 253 787 between the hours of 9am to 5pm 7 days per week or go to the SA Health website at or