At the June Council Meeting, Council was provided with an update on the upgrades of Wanganui Road and Ford Road, in preparation for Stage 1 of the Shepparton Bypass.
In conjunction with Regional Roads Victoria, Council had been undertaking an investigation for the future upgrade of Wanganui and Ford Roads in 2017-18, to plan for its future role as a key strategic east-west arterial link between Stage 1 of the Shepparton Bypass and the Shepparton Alternative Route.
Following initial community consultation, Council and Regional Roads Victoria placed the Draft Wanganui Road and Ford Road Shepparton: Feasibility Study Design Report 2018 on exhibition for further community consultation between February and May 2018.
Since the completion of the Draft Report in mid-2019, the responsibility for planning and designing changes to major road projects in Greater Shepparton was transferred from Regional Roads Victoria to Major Road Projects Victoria.
Major Road Projects Victoria merged the business cases for Stage 1 of the Shepparton Bypass, Wanganui and Ford Roads and the Shepparton Alternative Route into the Bypassing Shepparton business case, which is currently being prepared for consideration in a future State Government budget.
As a result, the intent to prepare an updated Draft Report for consideration by Council and the wider community has been superseded by work conducted by Major Road Projects Victoria, with the future planning, design and, ultimately, the implementation and construction of any east-west arterial link to be subject to future funding and consideration by the State Government.
Council will retain the management of Wanganui Road and Ford Road, and will remain a significant stakeholder for future planning and implementation works.
Council resolved to transfer all material regarding the east-west arterial link in Shepparton North to the Department of Transport, to be considered as part of its future work.
Further community consultation would be undertaken by the relevant State Government agency prior to any upgrade of Wanganui and Ford Roads.