Updated 2023 Census: Māori Descent Data Sources

23 October 2024: We have updated Data sources and imputation for Māori descent in the 2023 Census to include information about the 'Māori descent - electoral' variable.

Sections and tables in the PDF referring to the 'Māori descent - electoral' variable have been added, and we clarify the distinction between the 'Māori descent - output' and 'Māori descent - electoral' variables, where necessary.

Data sources and imputation for Māori descent in the 2023 Census (updated) outlines the data sources and methods used to determine values for two Māori descent variables in the 2023 Census: 'Māori descent - output' and 'Māori descent - electoral'. This includes the use of alternative data sources to mitigate missing census responses.

It also discusses changes since the 2018 Census, and how census responses and alternative data are linked.

Editing, data sources, and imputation in the 2023 Census (updated) provides more information on the process used for other census variables.

On this page

Summary of key points
Definition of Māori descent used by Stats NZ

Ngā puna raraunga me te tātaritanga mō tēnei mea te uri Māori, i te Tatauranga 2023 (kua whakahoutia)
Whakarāpopototanga o ngā kaupapa matua
Te tautuhitanga o tēnei mea te uri Māori whakaheke i whakamahia e Tatauranga Aotearoa

Summary of key points

The Māori descent variables are two of the highest-priority variables that we release in the census. 'Māori descent - output' is used to provide insights into the needs and outcomes of people of Māori descent and to determine the subject population for the 'iwi affiliation' variable. 'Māori descent - electoral' is used in the calculation of electoral populations to determine the number and boundaries of electorates.

It is crucial that quality data for and about iwi and Māori can be produced from the census, to enable iwi and Māori to use census data to support their aspirations, to inform decisions that affect iwi and Māori, and to meet the Crown's partnership obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

However, non-response in the 2023 Census means that some data is missing. The interim collection response rates show that people coded to 'Māori descent' have a lower response rate (77.0 percent) than the overall population (88.3 percent). This means the proportion of missing data is higher for people of Māori descent, which can lead to bias in our outputs.

To produce the Māori descent values for all usual residents counted in the census, we combine 2023 Census responses with historical census data (2013 and 2018 Censuses) and administrative (admin) data (data collected by government agencies and non-government organisations). We also use statistical imputation (replacing an individual's missing values with those copied from another individual) where no other data is available.

We have extended the method used in the 2018 Census by incorporating additional data sources and improving our statistical imputation process. The increased use of historical census and admin data has led to a decrease in the use of statistical imputation and an increase in data quality.

Improving the quality of this variable helps to support fair representation for electoral purposes and in the iwi affiliation subject population, in the allocation of funding and resources, in research activities, and in the monitoring of outcomes for people of Māori descent.

Stats NZ has worked in partnership with the Data Iwi Leaders Group on the 2023 Census. Working with Te Kāhui Raraunga Charitable Trust, we have developed and tested the methods (including the sources used and their order of use) and ensured the methods are appropriate within te ao Māori context.

Mana Ōrite Relationship Agreement provides more information on the relationship between Stats NZ and the Data Iwi Leaders Group.

Te Kāhui Raraunga provides more information on the trust.

Definition of Māori descent used by Stats NZ

A person is of Māori descent if they are descended from Māori. Māori descent is based on a genealogical or biological concept. For the purposes of the Māori descent classification, having Cook Island Māori ancestry is not classified as being of Māori descent.


Census communications

Ngā puna raraunga me te tātaritanga mō tēnei mea te uri Māori, i te Tatauranga 2023 (kua whakahoutia)

Ko tā Data sources and imputation for Māori descent in the 2023 Census (kua whakahoutia) he takitaki i ngā puna raraunga me ngā tikanga i hāpainga hei tautuhi i ngā uara mō ētahi tāupetanga uri Māori i roto i te Tatauranga 2023: 'uri Māori - huaputa' me 'uri Māori - ā-pōti'. Ka uru ki ēnei te whakamahinga o ngā puna raraunga tāpiri hei whakakapi i ngā urupare tatauranga ngaro.

Ka matapakihia i roto ngā panonitanga mai o te Tatauranga 2018, he pēhea hoki te hononga o ngā urupare tatauranga ki ngā raraunga tāpiri.

Kei Editing, data sources, and imputation in the 2023 Census (updated) ētahi atu kōrero mō te hātepe i whakamahia mō ērā atu tāupe tatauranga.

Tiki ake PDF

Whakarāpopototanga o ngā kaupapa matua

Ko ngā tāupetanga uri Māori ētahi o ngā tāupe whakaarotau hira e rua tiketike rawa ka whakaputaina e mātou i te tatauranga. Ka whakamahia 'uri Māori - huaputa' hei tāpae māramatanga mō ngā hiahia me ngā putanga mō ngā uri Māori, hei tautuhi hoki te taupori arotahi mō te tāupe 'piringa ā-iwi'. Ka whakamahia 'uri Māori - ā-pōti' hei tautuhi i te maha o ngā taupori pōti, hei whakatatū i te maha me ngā whaitua o ngā rohe pōti.

He mea taketake kia āhei te whakaputa raraunga kounga hira mō ngā iwi Māori me te iwi Māori nui tonu, mai i te tatauranga, kia taea ai e ngā iwi Māori me te iwi Māori nui tonu te whakamahi raraunga tatauranga mō ō rātou wawata, te hanga whakatau i runga i te mōhio ka pā ngā iwi Māori me te iwi Māori nui tonu, kia tutuki hoki ngā herenga hoa pātui o te Karauna i raro i Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Ahakoa tērā, nā te korenga e whakautu mai ki te Tatauranga 2023, kei te ngaro ētahi o aua raraunga. E ai ki ngā pāpātanga urupare kohinga tārewa ka kitea ko te hunga i tuhia hei 'uri Māori' he iti iho te urupare (77.0 ōrau) tēnā i te taupori whānui (88.3 ōrau). Te tikanga o tēnei he teitei kē atu te ōrau o ngā raraunga ngaro mō ngā uri Māori, e puta ai pea he mariu i ā mātou huaputa.

Hei whakaputa i ngā uara uri Māori mō te hunga noho mō te nuinga o te wā katoa, ka whakakotahitia e mātou ngā urupare Tatauranga 2023 ki ngā raraunga urupare o tau kē (Ngā Tatauranga 2013 me 2018), me ngā raraunga whakahaere (admin) (he raraunga i kohia e ngā hinonga kāwanatanga, hinonga hoki o waho o te kāwanatanga). Ka whakamahia e mātou te kawenga tauanga (te whakakapi i ngā uara ngaro o tētahi tangata takitahi ki ērā i tāruatia mai i tētahi atu tangata) mehemea kāore ētahi atu raraunga.

Kua whakawhānuitia e mātou te tikanga i whakamahia i roto i te Tatauranga 2018 mā te whakauru i ētahi atu puna raraunga me te whakapiki i te pai o tō mātou hātepe kawe tatauranga. Na te whakapikinga o te whakamahinga i ngā raraunga tatauranga tau kē, me ngā raraunga whakahaere, kua heke te nui o te whakamahi i te kawenga tatauranga, me te pikinga ake o te kounga raraunga.

Nā te whakapikinga i te kounga o tēnei tāupe ka tautokona te kitenga tika mō ngā kaupapa pōti, me te piringa ā-iwi o te taupori arotahi mō te tohatoha i ngā pūtea me ngā rauemi, mō ngā mahi rangahau, me te aroturuki i ngā putanga mō ngā uri Māori.

Kua mahi tahi a Tatauranga Aotearoa ki te Rōpū Raraunga o ngā Kaihautū ā-Iwi o te Motu mō te Tatauranga 2023. Nā te mahi tahi me te tarahiti e mōhiotia nei ko Te Kāhui Raraunga Charitable Trust, kua oti i a mātou ētahi tikanga mahi te whakawhanake, te whakamātautau hoki (tae atu ki ngā puna i whakamahia me te raupapatanga o te whakamhinga), ā, kua whai hoki kia tika te whakamahina o ngā tikanga mahi i te horopaki o te ao Māori.

Kei Mana Ōrite Relationship Agreement ētahi atu kōrero mō te hononga i waenga i Tatauranga Aotearoa me te Rōpū Raraunga o ngā Kaihautū ā-Iwi.

Kei Te Kāhui Raraunga ētahi atu kōrero mō te tarahiti.

Te tautuhitanga o tēnei mea te uri Māori whakaheke i whakamahia e Tatauranga Aotearoa

Ka kīa te tangata he uri Māori mehemea he uri whakaheke nō tētahi tangata Māori. He mea te uri whakaheke i takea mai i ngā ariā whakapapa, i ngā ariā koiora rānei. Mō te wāhi ki te kōwaetanga uri tangata Māori, kāore te tangata whai hekenga mai i tētahi tangata Māori nō ngā Kuki Airani e kīa he uri Māori whakaheke.

Ngā pātai

Census communications

ISBN 978-1-99-104981-0

/Stats NZ Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.