The Cross Border-Associated Direction has been updated in South Australia in relation to travel from Victoria.
The Cross Border-Associated Direction No 9 comes into effect at 12.23pm Wednesday 12 May 2021.
The changes are:
- People who are in South Australia prior to 12.23pm Wednesday 12 May 2021 and who have been at a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Public Exposure Site at the specified date and time on the Government of Victoria website: are subject to Level 5 requirements.
- IMPORTANT- This only applies to Tier 1 and Tier 2 sites (not Tier 3) as specified on the Government of Victoria website.
- Level 5 requirements are:
- Must reside and remained quarantined and segregated from other people at a place determined by an Authorised Officer for 14 days.
- The person must submit to a COVID-19 test within 24hrs after arrival in South Austrlaia and on days 5 and 13.
- Must wear a face mask which covers their mouth and nose at any time that the person comes in contact with the public for 14 days after their arrival into South Australia.
- After 12.23pm Wednesday 12 May 2021 all people (including Essential Travellers, people genuinely relocating and SA residents) who have been at a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Public Exposure Site at the specified date and time on the Government of Victoria website above are subject to Level 6 restrictions and are not permitted to enter South Australia. The majority of these people should already be in 14 days quarantine in Victoria and are not permitted to leave quarantine to travel to South Australia.
- Exemptions apply for people who are escaping domestic violence, but these travellers are still subject to the Level 5 requirements as above.
- Additional travel exemptions may also be granted with restrictions as determined by SA Health.
This Direction should be read in conjunction with the Emergency Management (Cross Border Travel-General)(COVID-19) Direction 2021.
The Emergency Management (Cross Border Travel – Associated Direction No 8)(COVID-19) Direction 2021 has been revoked and replaced by the Emergency Management (Cross Border Travel – Associated Direction No 9)(COVID-19) Direction 2021.
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