McGowan Government launches data platform to boost innovation
The McGowan Government has launched Dealroom WA, a new data-driven public dashboard to develop the State's early-stage innovation ecosystem.
Innovation and ICT Minister Stephen Dawson announced the platform at today's Perth Morning Startup event held at Spacecubed's headquarters in the city, with the announcement being welcomed by a large group of local start-ups.
Business backs economic plan for Victoria
Victorian businesses have thrown their overwhelming support behind a 10-year economic plan to power Victoria's future.
Workers must not be asked to isolate without paid pandemic leave
The ACTU welcomes the decision of National Cabinet to extend Paid Pandemic Leave arrangements. It is essential that these arrangements are kept in place as long as working people are being asked to isolate while infectious.
The reduction in payment alongside a reduction in isolation period will leave some workers who still miss a full week of work worse off, and more clarity is needed with regard to what any new medical evidence requirements would mean for a healthcare system which is already overloaded.
Today National Cabinet met virtually to discuss the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and receive an update from Chief Medical Officer Professor Paul Kelly.
First Ministers agreed to extend the Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment (PLDP) at current rates beyond 30 September 2022.
Record number of people with multiple jobs in June quarter
The number of multiple job holders reached a record high of 900,000 people in the June quarter 2022, an increase of 4.3 per cent, according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
Budget must hold the key to continue growing and protecting agriculture
The National Farmers' Federation (NFF) wants to see the Federal Government deliver on its pre-election commitment for sustainable, long-term biosecurity funding in the Budget to be handed down on October 25.