Wingham's CBD improvements will get underway in 2022 after MidCoast Council approved the final streetscape concept plan at its meeting on 24 November.
The Wingham CBD streetscape concept plan was developed after extensive community consultation and follow-up engagement with key stakeholders including local businesses and community experts.
"We've listened very carefully during the community engagement process and continued the conversation beyond the consultation period. We've been able to resolve some key issues that concerned some residents," said MidCoast Council's Manager of Projects and Engineering, Rhett Pattison.
A recent meeting with the Wingham Chamber of Commerce and community representatives discussed the streetscape project in detail.
Further consultation with key stakeholders and community members with interest and expertise will continue to occur as the detailed designs progress and works are undertaken. This will include decision making around street tree species, footpath style, streetlight style, intersection surface treatments and other elements designed to maintain the heritage character of Wingham.
Adopting the streetscape concept plan provides a road map to inform the final design and construction. It is understood that the look and feel of the streetscape created will have a great impact on the Wingham community.
"We are adopting a premise that all design elements will be sympathetic with the heritage character and reflect Wingham's country town charm. As an example, we'll be investigating an appropriate light fitting and arms style together with lighting design so it doesn't detract from the heritage aesthetic whilst also being functional," Mr Pattison said.
One of the first features of the plan to be implemented is the offset T intersection of Bent Street and Farquhar Street. This design was favoured as it keeps with the heritage aesthetic and is the safest option for pedestrians at this location.
The concept plan does not include any proposed redesign of the Central Park wall. Central Park will be considered in a separate future master planning process to guide its upgrade.
A decision has been made to ensure that the Rotary clock is maintained in a prominent position and enhanced by streetscaping.
A trial of timed parking will take place during 2022. With the upgrade to the McCullagh Lane car park providing off-street parking for all day stayers, shorter term parking will be trialled for some sections of Isabella Street.
This has been welcomed by community members who want to ensure parking spaces in the CBD are available to customers and visitors.
Further research will take place around the creation of large planting vaults for the street trees, with the objective to minimise lost parking space.
Some elements of the plan are already funded under the capital works program or via grant funding. Further funding will be required to allow construction of all elements once the detailed design plans are complete.
The streetscape concept plan is available for viewing online on our project page, and you can stay updated on the Wingham CBD masterplan project at the link above.