Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications
The Australian Government continues to act to enhance road safety across the nation, with six new projects announced under the Heavy Vehicle Rest Area (HVRA) initiative.
The projects are supported by a more than $6.85 million joint investment between the Australian and state, territory and local governments, with the Australian Government contributing $5.48 million.
They are funded through the third tranche of the HVRA, which will provide $140 million in federal funding over 10 years.
The projects include the construction of new rest areas with facilities such as toilets and picnic areas, resurfacing, line-marking and bitumen sealing.
The funded projects are:
- Wollondilly Shire Council - Ted "Greendog" Stevens Truck Parking Bay Renewal (New South Wales).
- Walcha Council - New Pindari Tops Rest Area on Thunderbolts Way (New South Wales)
- Bourke Shire Council - New Heavy Vehicle Rest Area on the Bourke to Milparinka Road at Goonary (New South Wales)
- Shire of Mukinbudin - Mukinbudin Heavy Vehicle Rest Area (Western Australia)
- Shire of Coolgardie - Asphalt surfacing of Road train / truck stop area at intersection of Bayley Street / Great Eastern Highway and Ladyloch Road in Coolgardie (Western Australia)
- Northern Territory - Five Heavy Vehicle Rest Areas on Buntine Highway to be upgraded
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