Upgrading Quinn Reserve In Whirrakee Rise

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Last year we developed a landscape plan to beautify Quinn Street Reserve to make it more accessible and appealing.

We also invited your feedback on the plans to help us understand what components were most important to you.

Since then, the project has gone to market, and the contract has been awarded to local contractors – S Dell Plumbing.

Keeping in mind our limited budget, and what components were most important to you, the project will deliver:

  • Bus shelter
  • Picnic table and shelter
  • Re-dressing of existing gravel paths
  • Deciduous trees
  • Medium sized shrubs for along the fence line

The project will commence shortly for completion late September.

We know a bus service to Whirrakee Rise is a top priority for residents. With the confirmation a bus shelter will now be constructed, Council has commenced discussions around the possibility of the current service being extended.

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