Uplifting Care Expert Panel Commences

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Liberal Government's Uplifting Care Independent Expert Panel has met for the first time today.

Minister for Children and Youth, Roger Jaensch said the Panel's role will be to guide the development and implementation of the strategy and initiatives for the Tasmanian service system for children and young people in care.

"This Panel is a critical part of the Bright Lives: Uplifting Care initiative designed to improve the safety, wellbeing, and rights of children and young people in Out of Home Care as recommended by the Commission of Inquiry," Minister Jaensch said.

"The Panel is being chaired by Professor Leah Bromfield who is the former Commissioner for the Commission of Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings.

"Importantly, the Panel also includes young people with lived experience in Out of Home Care in Tasmania and I thank them for their commitment to improving the lives of other young people.

"The Members' diverse expertise will inform the independent advice provided to the Department for Education Children and Young People, to ensure that reform of the Out of Home Care system is child-centred, evidence-based, and aligns with contemporary best practice.

"It is critical that the care services we provide children and young people are holistic, trauma informed, culturally connected and therapeutic, and the guidance provided by the Panel is vital to these efforts.

"They will be able to provide informed advice on the Government's efforts to deliver services that ultimately safeguard the rights and safety of children and young people in care against the evidence base within the national context."

The Tasmanian Government's support for these improvements is part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future.

The Independent Expert Panel consists of:

Quotes from Professor Leah Bromfield (Chair):

"I am so pleased to have the opportunity to Chair the Uplifting Care Independent Expert Panel and to be able to inform the implementation of the Commission of Inquiry recommendations for out-of-home care, and for the Independent Expert Panel to support the Government to realise the hope for a care system that is consistently safe and caring, and which supports children to thrive."

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