The Air Force is taking another major step in a series of transformations within its officer evaluation system with the implementation of officer performance report (OPR) static closeout dates (SCODs) for officers in the grades of O-1 to O-6.
"As we continue to fully execute Action Order A (Airmen), implementing officer static closeout dates is key to ensuring transparency and consistency are cornerstones of our feedback and evaluation systems," said Lt. Gen. Brian Kelly, the Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services. "SCODs deliver improved predictability to our officers, raters, and units, while also providing a synchronized comparison of performance within peer groups. This arms officers with a more complete understanding of their performance assessment, their strengths and weaknesses, and where they stand among their peers. This is essential to ensure we give Airmen an opportunity to fully develop to their capabilities and excel at the Airmen Leadership Qualities they'll need to be successful in the future."
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