US Defense Dept. Signs Glide Phase Interceptor Development Pact

U.S. Department of Defense

Today, the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and Japan Ministry of Defense (MOD) have finalized a formal agreement for a Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI) Cooperative Development (GCD) Project Arrangement under the U.S.-Japan bilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Projects (RDT&E).

By pursuing an agreement on GPI development, the U.S. and Japan will strengthen regional deterrence while enhancing long-standing missile defense cooperation between the two countries.

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency is leading the development of GPI for the DoD, which will provide hypersonic missile defense capability during the glide-phase portion of hypersonic flight. Per the signed GPI Cooperative Development (GCD), Japan will lead development of rocket motors and propulsion components of GPI.

GPI will deliver a regional defensive capability over time as part of a holistic layered defensive architecture. The GPI co-development will build upon long-standing U.S.-Japan missile defense cooperation and strengthen the Alliance deterrence posture.

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