US Deputy Sec Campbell Calls China's Vice Foreign Min Ma

Department of State

As stated by Spokesperson Matthew Miller:

Deputy Secretary Campbell spoke today with the People's Republic of China (PRC) Executive Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu as part of ongoing efforts to maintain open lines of communication between the United States and the PRC and responsibly manage competition in the relationship. They discussed key bilateral, regional, and global issues, including areas of cooperation and areas of difference.

The Deputy Secretary raised serious concerns regarding the PRC's destabilizing actions in the South China Sea, including at Second Thomas Shoal, and affirmed the United States' support for freedom of navigation and overflight and the peaceful resolution of disputes, consistent with international law. The Deputy Secretary also reiterated that U.S. commitments to the Philippines under the Mutual Defense Treaty remain ironclad. He also stressed the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. The Deputy Secretary also reiterated concern over the PRC's support for the Russian defense industrial base and discussed challenges on the Korean Peninsula.

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