Today, Administrator Samantha Power announced that the United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development and the U.S. Department of State, is providing an additional $43 million to Education Cannot Wait (ECW), subject to the availability of funds. ECW is the only global fund for education in emergencies. The Administrator made the announcement virtually during ECW's High-Level Financing Conference in Geneva.
As one of the original contributors to ECW, the United States is proud to continue to support ECW in ensuring that the most marginalized children and youth in countries experiencing emergencies and protracted crises have access to lifesaving and life-sustaining education services. This contribution will also support ECW in its role to coordinate among donors, the private sector, and humanitarian and development actors to meet the needs of the next generation and ensure this growing population has the skills and abilities to sustain themselves while engaging as productive citizens in their communities.
This additional contribution of $43 million brings the total of the U.S. government contributions to ECW, including funding from USAID and the Department of State's Bureau for Population, Refugees and Migration, to $145.3 million to date since 2017.