US, Kenya Bolster Ties with Joint Camp Simba Project

Camp Simba, strategically located near the Kenyan naval base in Manda Bay, exemplifies the flourishing U.S.-Kenyan partnership, strengthened by Kenya's designation as a major non-NATO ally in 2024.

Enduring infrastructure at the U.S. forward operating location is vital to enhancing interoperability and will enable Kenya's continued growth as a strategic military partner, with the capacity to maintain security in the region against threats like Al-Shabaab.

"This CE team has been a godsend," said Senior Master Sgt. Ryan Silsbee, 475th Expeditionary Air Base Squadron senior enlisted leader at Camp Simba. "There has not been a challenge they haven't successfully navigated."

Air Force 2nd Lt. Michael Martin, 475th Civil Engineer Flight commander, leads a joint-service team of Airmen and engineers from the U.S. Marine Special Operations Command and Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa, as well as contractors and their Kenyan partners.

Silsbee said their most significant impact was when Martin's joint-force team integrated with Kenyan Defense Forces to conduct a Somalian humanitarian support operation. Their rapid response safely adjusted force protection operations and established a critical vehicle search area, ensuring mission success and base security.

This success also demonstrated the ability of the Kenyan military to integrate expeditiously during a real-world event, protecting shared U.S.-Kenyan interests.

"Guidance from my flight chief, Senior Master Sgt. Colin Pierce, a seasoned civil engineer with over 23 years of service, has been instrumental to the flight's success and my own professional development," Martin said.

Together, they oversee daily operations, infrastructure expansion and emergency services for the base, which supports various service branches and partner nations, including elements from the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, various U.S. Air Force entities and the Kenyan navy.

"As Manda Bay's only degreed engineer, I collaborate with my teammate, Master Sgt. Scott Peyton, to manage a substantial construction portfolio, comprising millions in active projects and construction planning," Martin said.

Manda Bay's expansion is slated to unfold over the next decade. These projects include 294,000 square feet of airfield construction, increased fuel storage capacity and lodging expansion to accommodate hundreds more U.S. service members on a rotational basis.

In July 2024, the State Department awarded a $10 million contract for a 10,000-foot runway capable of supporting Northrop F-5 and Boeing C-17 operations. This would more than double the current runway length, significantly expanding fighter, reconnaissance and transport aircraft capabilities in the region.

"I'm very fortunate to lead a flight with exceptional experts and leaders who come to work every day trying to get better," Martin said. "I hope our successors build upon our foundations and see our initiatives through to establish Manda Bay as an enduring U.S.-Kenyan installation."

Peyton, the CE Flight engineering superintendent, also serves as project manager for engineering activities at Camp Simba. He and Senior Airman Eduardo Alencar manage more than 40 projects, handling all aspects of project development, including surveying, mapping, programming, planning, design and execution support.

"Our unique situation at Camp Simba gives me the opportunity to engage with all facets of our job, allowing me to be a hands-on leader who not only guides but also actively participates in the technical aspects of our work," Peyton said. "I'm able to see the tangible results of my efforts and know that I'm making a difference in their professional development."

Peyton reflected and expressed pride at the legacy of the 475th CE Flight.

"Long after we've departed, the infrastructure we've reinforced or built and the systems we've put in place will continue to serve Camp Simba and its mission," he said. "It's a sense of pride and fulfillment that comes from knowing that our efforts will have a lasting impact, even if we're not here to see it firsthand. It's not just about the immediate needs of the camp, but about building a foundation for long-term success and sustainability, enabling future teams to build upon our efforts and continue to make a positive impact on our posture in Africa."

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