U.S. Praises Austria's Repatriation from Syria

Department of State

With U.S. assistance, Austria repatriated two women and three children from the Roj displaced persons camp in northeast Syria Saturday, March 1.

Approximately 23,000 individuals from more than 60 countries outside Syria remain in the al-Hol and Roj camps, most of whom are children under the age of 12. Of the total, approximately 3,800 are European nationals from over 35 different countries.

Repatriating nationals to their countries of origin is the only durable solution to the security and humanitarian challenges posed by al-Hol and Roj camps and detention centers in northeast Syria. Further, these actions reduce the risk of an ISIS resurgence in the region. The United States thanks Austria for working with us to repatriate its nationals, and thanks the local authorities in northeast Syria for its facilitation of these efforts.

The Trump Administration continues to encourage countries to repatriate their nationals from northeast Syria. As the dynamics in the region change, we cannot allow these challenges to fester.

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