PROTECTING AMERICAN COMMUNITIES: President Donald J. Trump is protecting American communities from excessive Federal overreach and preserving local decision-making.
- The Trump Administration is releasing a new rule that will further fair housing, while respecting the role of State and local decision-making for their communities.
- This action will repeal the Obama Administration's Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule, which took away decision-making from local communities.
- The new rule eliminates the excessive burden put on local communities and gets rid of the top-down approach that dictated zoning for communities.
- The rule will help promote housing that is affordable, decent, safe, and free from discrimination.
- Under the President's new rule, localities will continue to certify that they will affirmatively further fair housing, as required by law.
SAVING OUR SUBURBS: This action ends the Federal encroachment on local communities that threatened our nation's suburbs.
- The Obama Administration's original AFFH rule attempted to take local zoning decisions out of the hands of local communities.
- AFFH would have imposed a massive regulatory burden on localities, required high density zoning, eliminated single family zoning, and destroyed our suburbs.
- This overregulation of our suburbs would have harmed Americans' abilities to work, buy homes, and build lives for their families, including many minority communities.
- Our suburbs are diverse and thriving communities where the majority of African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans now live.
- The suburbs represent a vital part of the American dream, as Americans work to build a better life for themselves and start a home for their families.
- Providing Americans with the opportunity for homeownership is key to expanding opportunity and helping all Americans prosper.
- Homeownership offers the chance for all Americans to build wealth for their families.
UNLEASHING REGULATORY RELIEF: Through this action, President Trump is building upon his historic reversal of the Obama Administration's disastrous regulatory policies.
- President Trump is delivering on his promise to free Americans from Federal overreach, with Federal agencies taking over 7 deregulatory actions for each significant regulatory action.
- The President reversed the Obama Administration's Clean Power Plan, regulation that would have raised electricity prices and driven up costs for Americans.
- President Trump stopped the egregious abuse of the Clean Water Act, which threatened American farmers, ranchers, and landowners with endless litigation.
- The President did away with a ridiculous Obama-era rule that would have banned the incandescent lightbulb, restoring freedom for Americans to choose how they light their homes.
- The President replaced Obama-era fuel standards with the much improved Safer Affordable Fuel Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule, which is expected to lower the price of new vehicles by $2,200 and make cars cheaper for low-income Americans.
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