The Iranian regime continues to fuel conflict in the Middle East, advance its nuclear program, and support its terrorist proxies. Iran's illicit oil trade fuels these destabilizing activities. Its oil exports are enabled by a network of shipping facilitators in multiple jurisdictions who, through obfuscation and deception, load and transport Iranian oil for sale to buyers in Asia. Iran's MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM, NATIONAL IRANIAN OIL COMPANY, and NATIONAL IRANIAN TANKER COMPANY, U.S.-designated entities, rely significantly on ship-to-ship (STS) transfers and associated third-country service providers to optimize the efficiency of their tanker fleet. These STS transfers, frequently conducted while one or more vessels have disabled or manipulated their automatic identification system (AIS), also serve to disguise the Iranian origin of the cargo.
Today, the United States is acting under President Trump's policy of maximum pressure on the Iranian regime to stop the flow of revenue it uses to fund these destabilizing activities. The Department of State is imposing sanctions on three entities engaged in the Iranian petroleum trade and is identifying three vessels as blocked property. These targets are being designated pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13846, which authorizes and reimposes certain sanctions with respect to Iran.
Specifically, the Department of State is targeting maritime service providers that have facilitated the STS transfer of Iranian crude oil between U.S.-designated STAR FOREST (IMO 9237632) and SOBAR (IMO 9221970) on December 25, 2024, near Nipa, Indonesia. Today, we seek to degrade Iran's STS operations and to highlight the risks associated with facilitating Iran's crude oil trade.
The Department is designating the following entity pursuant to section 3(a)(ii) of E.O. 13846 for knowingly engaging in a significant transaction for the purchase, acquisition, sale, transport, or marketing of petroleum or petroleum products from Iran:
- PT. BINTANG SAMUDRA UTAMA (BINTANG) knowingly engaged in a significant transaction for the transport of petroleum or petroleum products from Iran using CELEBES, a vessel for which BINTANG is the commercial manager, operator, and registered owner, to facilitate the STS transfer between STAR FOREST and SOBAR on December 25, 2024, near Nipa, Indonesia.
CELEBES (IMO 8710730) is being identified as property in which BINTANG has an interest. CELEBES was used to maneuver STAR FOREST and SOBAR into position for an STS transfer of Iranian crude oil on December 25, 2024, near Nipa, Indonesia.
Pursuant to section 3(a)(ii) of E.O. 13846, the following entity is being designated for knowingly engaging in a significant transaction for the purchase, acquisition, sale, transport, or marketing of petroleum or petroleum products from Iran:
- SHIPLOAD MARITIME PTE. LTD. (SHIPLOAD MARITIME) knowingly engaged in a significant transaction for the transport of petroleum or petroleum products from Iran using MALILI, a vessel for which SHIPLOAD MARITIME is the commercial manager and operator, to facilitate the STS transfer between SOBAR and STAR FOREST on December 25, 2024.
MALILI (IMO 9179921) is being identified as property in which SHIPLOAD MARITIME has an interest. MALILI was used to maneuver STAR FOREST and SOBAR into position for an STS transfer of Iranian crude oil on December 25, 2024, near Nipa, Indonesia.
Pursuant to section 3(a)(ii) of E.O. 13846, the following entity is being designated for knowingly engaging in a significant transaction for the purchase, acquisition, sale, transport, or marketing of petroleum or petroleum products from Iran:
- PT. GIANIRA ADHINUSA SENATAMA (GIANIRA) knowingly engaged in a significant transaction for the transport of petroleum or petroleum products from Iran using MARINA VISION, a vessel for which GIANIRA is the commercial manager, operator, and registered owner, to facilitate the STS transfer between SOBAR and STAR FOREST on December 25, 2024.
MARINA VISION (IMO 8106109) is being identified as property in which GIANIRA has an interest. MARINA VISION was used to maneuver STAR FOREST and SOBAR into position for an STS transfer of Iranian crude oil on December 25, 2024, near Nipa, Indonesia.
Petitions for removal from the SDN List may be sent to: [email protected]. Petitioners may also refer to the Department of State's Delisting Guidance page.