The United States and the Republic of Türkiye today imposed terrorist designations on three individuals with links to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). These designations are the result of close counterterrorism coordination between the United States and Türkiye. Under their respective domestic authorities, both countries are taking action against Adam Khamirzaev, Muhammadyusuf Alisher Ogli Mirzoev, and Muhammad Ibrohimjon Niyazov. Mirzoev and Niyazov are members of an ISIS-linked network that has facilitated travel on behalf of other individuals. Khamirzaev, the ISIS Georgia Province emir, provided guidance to this network on a range of activities supporting ISIS and was aware of its efforts to facilitate travelers to the United States. ISIS has a history of using criminal means to support its global operations, and these designations target ISIS-linked individuals involved in a human smuggling organization. As of today, consistent with their respective U.S. and Turkish authorities, these designated individuals will no longer be permitted to conduct financial transactions in either country, and their assets in both countries will be frozen. The United States and Türkiye are resolved to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS. Today's designations reflect the important ongoing counterterrorism cooperation between the United States and Türkiye.
US, Turkey Jointly Designate ISIS Smuggling Network
Department of State
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