USAID Administrator Samantha Power Meets with IOM Director General-Elect Amy Pope


Today, USAID Administrator Samantha Power met with International Organization for Migration (IOM) Director General (DG)-Elect Amy Pope during her visit to Washington, DC. Administrator Power congratulated DG-Elect Pope on her successful election, notably as the first woman to lead the agency in its seventy-one year history. DG-Elect Pope shared her priorities for IOM once she assumes the role in October 2023.

Administrator Power and DG-Elect Pope discussed USAID and IOM's shared priorities including delivering life-saving humanitarian assistance; understanding and addressing the impact of a changing climate on the most vulnerable; and enabling durable solutions to protracted crises through a Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus approach. The Administrator noted USAID's appreciation for its enduring partnership with IOM to provide critical assistance to migrants and displaced populations in need around the world.

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