Today, Administrator Samantha Power began her day with an interview on Nasfund FM100's Talkback Radio Program, one of the longest running radio stations in Papua New Guinea. In the conversation, hosted by Cullighan Tanda, Administrator Power discussed USAID's long-standing commitment to Papua New Guinea to advance shared priorities, including climate, gender equality, and economic growth.
Administrator Power then visited 9 Mile Clinic, an integrated health facility that incorporates care for gender-based violence into all healthcare services, including for HIV/AIDS patients. She spoke with healthcare workers as well as patients receiving HIV treatment, and announced plans to build on the success of PEPFAR's interventions in the National Capital District and scale up activities to combat HIV in other high-burden provinces.
Administrator Power at a health clinic in Papua New Guinea At the U.S. Embassy in Port Moresby, Administrator Power hosted a town hall with Embassy staff to express her gratitude for their contributions that are deepening the partnership between Papua New Guinea and the United States. Administrator Power officially launched USAID's Country Representative Office for Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu with the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the occasion, joined by Charge d'Affaires Joseph Zadrozny and the new USAID Country Representative Nino Nadiradze.
Administrator Power then met with USAID's local staff from Papua New Guinea and the Philippines at the Port Moresby Nature Park and thanked the staff for their exceptional commitment to supporting the people of the Pacific Islands.
She concluded her visit to Papua New Guinea with a joint briefing from personnel from USAID, the Department of Defense, and the International Organization for Migration, who are coordinating the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the more than 10,000 people affected by the ongoing eruption of Mount Bagana in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. She then provided a briefing to local press detailing USAID's efforts to provide life-saving assistance to those who have been displaced by the disaster. Administrator Power was joined by the Regional Member of Parliament for Bougainville and the Acting Deputy High Commissioner for Australia and Acting High Commissioner for New Zealand.
USAID is providing $500,000 for food, water, shelter, and other assistance to people impacted by the volcanic eruptions, as part of the $5.2 million in humanitarian assistance the Administrator announced during her visit for the people of Papua New Guinea. USAID's life-saving assistance is reaching remote areas hosting displaced people from the eruption zone thanks to partnership with the U.S. military and the militaries of Australia and New Zealand, and at the invitation of the Government of Papua New Guinea, in consultation with the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
Administrator Power then departed for Suva, Fiji, where she will officially open the USAID's Pacific Islands Mission in Fiji.