The Competition Bureau encourages all procurement agents in Canada to take advantage of its newly-launched Collusion Risk Assessment Tool to help them protect their procurement processes from bid-rigging.
The innovative new tool is a free, interactive online resource available to both public and private sector procurement officers and purchasing agents. It can be used as part of their day-to-day due diligence efforts to protect and promote competitive bidding processes.
Procurement agents can begin by completing the tool's 10-minute questionnaire about a call for bids that they are planning. The tool will then produce a collusion risk score based on the specifics of the project, and will offer tailored best practices to mitigate those risks.
Procurement agents thus gain an early warning about potential risks of bid-rigging, as well as mitigation strategies that can be taken to minimize those risks and help ensure a fair, competitive process from the start.
The innovative new risk assessment tool is the Competition Bureau's latest resource to help the Canadian procurement community protect their projects from bid-rigging. This tool was spearheaded by the Bureau's recently formed Digital Enforcement and Intelligence Branch, a centre of expertise on strategies and technology for tackling anti-competitive practices in the digital economy.