UTA serves community with 'The Big Event'

Enthusiastic volunteers from The University of Texas at Arlington turned out over the weekend to participate in The Big Event, an annual day of Maverick-led service, at numerous sites around the city.

Mavericks with a passion for service took part in various service projects, including painting, landscaping, assisting youth development workshops, cleaning up various facilities and more.

"Volunteering keeps people in touch with others and helps them build a strong support network," said Joshua Ferguson-Williams, a UTA senior studying microbiology who serves on The Big Event planning committee and is its recruitment director.

Several student organizations volunteered, including UTA Ambassadors, the Psychology Society, the Black Student Association, the UTA Tennis Club and the Climbing Mavericks, a rock-climbing club at UTA.

"Ultimately, it's very enjoyable to see so many volunteers at all these different sites because it really gives a holistic view of the impact that our day of service has on the DFW area," said Emily Ford, a graduate student in social work.

The Big Event has seen exceptional growth since its 2000 debut at UTA. Participation reached its highest level in 2019, with more than 1,150 volunteers donating over 4,000 hours of service to the community.

Ford said she was excited to participate in the event for the first time.

"Acts of service always have a ripple effect, even if you don't see who that ripple touches," Ford said. "You might sort donations in a food bank and all you see is cans, but those donations will eventually reach someone in need who will see it as their next meal."

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