UTAS Grant Triumph: United Vision to Tackle MS Impact

Six researchers from the Menzies Institute for Medical Research  Multiple Sclerosis Research Flagship have secured a combined $1.2 million in grants for new multiple sclerosis (MS) research starting in 2025.

Supporting the MS Research Flagship's shared vision of reducing the impact of MS on individuals and the community, grant recipients Dr Jessica Fletcher, Dr Nicholas Blackburn, Mr Glen Henson, Dr Valery Fuh-Ngwa, Dr Yi Chao Foong and Dr Julie Campbell are investigating MS across various disciplines including neurobiology, genetics, neurology, statistics (or disease modelling) and health economics.

Among the funded projects are pioneering studies on harnessing the brain's healing power, investigating genetic changes in MS families, and using health economics to improve treatment decisions. These diverse projects are beneficiaries of MS Australia's latest funding round .

About the projects

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