The Executive Board recently adopted the UvA Open Science programme 2020 - 2024. The programme includes an overview of new and well-established initiatives with regard to open access, research data management and FAIR data and also creates a policy framework for investments in open science at the UvA. With the adoption of the Open Science programme, an open access policy was introduced for researchers and funding became available for a Diamond Open Access Fund with effect from 1 January 2021.
Open access policy
The UvA has committed itself to open access in a variety of ways, for example, by signing the Berlin Declaration on Open Access in 2005 and the National Plan Open Science (NPOS) in 2017. The UvA's open access commitment is now reflected in the responsibilities assigned to the researchers and laid down in an open access policy.
Since 1 January 2021, researchers have been expected to publish all of their work in open access or to make it freely accessible by 1) immediately publishing it in open access through a publisher, 2) relying on Section 25fa of the Copyright Act (Taverne) or 3) self-archiving the accepted manuscript in the repository.
The University Library supports and facilitates all routes to open access mentioned in the policy and provides researchers with support and advice.
Diamond Open Access Fund
Journals or publication platforms which do not charge a fee for either publication or use, are referred to as 'diamond open access' initiatives. Diamond open access initiatives have difficulty securing funding and the importance of this open access model is still often underestimated in the existing open access strategies.
The UvA is therefore taking its responsibility by establishing an UvA Diamond Open Access Fund of 100,000 euros for a period of five years. The fund supports proven diamond initiatives in which UvA researchers have published and - on request - diamond open access initiatives at the UvA which have recently been or will soon be set up or which have already proven themselves.