Vacancy: Head of Health, Safety & Engineering Support

UK Gov

The Air Accidents Investigation Branch is recruiting for a Head of Health and Safety and Engineering Support

Are you an experienced Health and Safety professional with extensive engineering experience? If so, then this is the perfect role for you!

As the AAIB's competent person for Health and Safety, this role involves advising, leading and monitoring the AAIB's Health and Safety responsibilities, including teams deployed to accident sites as well as our activities carried out at AAIB HQ and during post deployment investigation. You will work closely with the other accident investigation branches in the UK to share best practice in Health and Safety and supporting accident investigation.

The role also includes managing the AAIB's engineering support to accident investigation including the AAIB's hangars and engineering workshops, and two Engineering Support Technicians.

A full job description and role profile is on the Civil Service Jobs Website.

Reference number: 397255.

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