Valdez Reveals 12 New Grantees for 2SLGBTQI+ Program

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

2SLGBTQI+ entrepreneurs are a driving force in Canada's economy, with over 100,000 2SLGBTQI+-owned businesses employing more than 435,000 Canadians and generating over $22 billion in economic activity. Yet, they continue to face systemic barriers in starting and growing their businesses. In response to these challenges, the federal government worked with the 2SLGBTQI+ community to co-create Canada's first-ever 2SLGBTQI+ Entrepreneurship Program to foster an inclusive, diverse and resilient economy.

Today the Honourable Rechie Valdez, Minister of Small Business, along with the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, and Darrell Schuurman, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Canada's 2SLGBTQI+ Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC), announced 12 more non-profit organizations selected to receive a total of $2.8 million in funding through the 2SLGBTQI+ Entrepreneurship Program Ecosystem Fund:

  • Chambre de commerce LGBT du Québec, in partnership with Réseau Mentorat, Quebec
  • LOUD Business, British Columbia
  • Manitoba LGBT* Chamber of Commerce, Manitoba
  • Northern Mosaic Network, Northwest Territories
  • Ontario Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, Ontario
  • Pride PEI, in partnership with Music PEI, Prince Edward Island
  • Quadrangle NL, Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Small Economy Works, Nunavut
  • Tourism Industry Association of the Yukon, in partnership with Yukonstruct and Inclusion Yukon, Yukon
  • Tribe Network, in partnership with UPlift Black, Atlantic Canada
  • True Wealth Society, in partnership with Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre, Ontario
  • UPlift Black, Ontario

This investment builds on the success of the 17 organizations previously announced to deliver the Ecosystem Fund, which aims to create a more equitable and thriving network for 2SLGBTQI+ entrepreneurs across Canada.

The 2SLGBTQI+ Ecosystem Fund is an $8 million program designed to strengthen resources and supports for 2SLGBTQI+ entrepreneurs. This program helps raise awareness of the unique challenges these entrepreneurs face and facilitates the development of a robust and interconnected ecosystem that will empower future generations of 2SLGBTQI+ leaders. The Ecosystem Fund is one part of the broader $25 million 2SLGBTQI+ Entrepreneurship Program.

Building a more inclusive economy means building a stronger economy. The 2SLGBTQI+ Entrepreneurship Program aligns with the federal government's broader commitment to fostering entrepreneurship among underrepresented groups, including women, Black, youth and Indigenous business owners. By providing all Canadians with the opportunity to pursue entrepreneurship, we are strengthening Canada's economy, creating high-quality, middle-class jobs and ensuring that our country remains competitive on the global stage.

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