Vasey RSL Care Wins Funds to Aid At-Risk Veterans

Vasey RSL Care

Vasey RSL Care is proud to announce its success in securing a Veteran Acute Housing Program grant under the Capital Works and Specialist Services streams. Today, Vasey RSL Care Board Chair Mike O'Meara and CEO Janna Voloshin joined The Hon Richard Marles MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Local Member for Corio, to officially announce the funding.

The Veterans' Acute Housing Program provides $30 million in targeted funding to increase crisis and transitional housing stock and fund specialist services for veterans experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. This initiative is funded through the Australian Government's $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund, which aims to support 30,000 dwellings in social and affordable housing over the next five years.

Under the Capital Works stream, Vasey RSL Care has secured $4.6 million to establish The V Satellite, a regional accommodation option with additional support. The V Satellite will be located in Geelong, Victoria, and will provide transitional accommodation and support services to veterans in need. A masterplan for the design will be developed in the coming months. The centre will accommodate 10 individuals, each with a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living area, and study space, while also offering a communal hub and outdoor spaces to foster connection and support.

Additionally, under the Specialist Services stream, Vasey RSL Care has been awarded $1.1 million to employ Veteran Housing and Support Coordinators. These specialists will work closely with the broader Veteran Services team to assist veterans and their families in accessing appropriate housing solutions and developing tailored support plans.

Vasey RSL Care CEO Janna Voloshin said the funding was an important step forward in addressing the urgent housing needs of veterans:

"This funding allows us to expand our support for veterans in the transitional phase of their lives, providing not only safe accommodation but also the essential services they need to rebuild their lives. The V Satellite will create a critical pathway for veterans to access long-term housing and support."

Deputy Prime Minister and Member for Corio, The Hon Richard Marles MP, commended Vasey RSL Care for its commitment to supporting veterans:

"This investment ensures that those who have served our country receive the support they deserve. The V Satellite will provide veterans in our region with a place to stay and access to specialist care to help them transition to stable, long-term housing."

Vasey RSL Care looks forward to delivering this vital project over the coming years to support veterans in need.

About us:


Vasey RSL Care is Australia's leading provider of ex-service accommodation, care and support, providing veteran-specific services to around 1000 ex-service people of all ages each year, and employing over 660 clinical, care support, veteran services staff and volunteers.

Services include rental units (social housing) for over 300 veterans, war widows and partners at seven city and three regional locations; home care provisions for older Australians wishing to remain in their own home; and residential aged care at four locations – Brighton, Brighton East, Bundoora and Frankston South and The V Centre Veteran Empowerment Program located in Ivanhoe, Victoria.

As reported by the Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans Suicide, Australian veterans are almost three times more likely to experience homelessness than the general population. Veterans are also more likely to have other homelessness risk indicators including being single, unemployed, subject to financial strain, and experiencing a greater number of traumatic life events than the broader population.

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