On 12 October Kosta delivered a keynote speech on academic freedom at the 30th anniversay conference of the (European) Education Law and Policy Association. The conference was entitled 'Shaping Education Law for the Future' and took place at Lisbon University, faculty of law (Universidade de Lisboa, faculdade de direiteo). It inclulded 7 sessions taking place over three days.
Kosta spoke in the session on 'academic and science freedom'. Her speech, titled 'Academic and scientific freedom and commercialisation in EU law', analysed recent institutional and legal developments on academic freedom in EU law; it further elaborated on the notion of 'commercialisation' (as conceptualised and used in the AFITE project) and the tension beetween commercialisation and academic freedom as well as the relevance of EU law in this sphere.
Further speakers on this panel included: Klaus Beiter (North-West University, SA), Cláudio Brandão (PUC Minas Gerais; Universidade Federal do Pernambuco; Paul Zoontjens (Tilburg University); Ausrine Pasvenskiene (Vytautas Magnus University, LT); Martina Darmanin (ESU and Magna Charta Observatory); Flora Goudappel (School of Law, Univesrity of Curaçao); Georgiy Kassianov (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). The panel was chaired by the President of the European Education Law and Policy Association Jan de Groof.