Murrindindi Shire Council and Country Fire Authority (CFA) are working together to remove noxious and environmental weeds, reduce fuel loads and rehabilitate the environment around Boundary Creek, Yea.
In March, Council contractors will remove noxious and environmental weed species in a select area adjacent to Boundary Creek. Weeds to be removed include Hawthorn, Desert Ash, Prunus, Cotoneaster and other garden escapees. Some native vegetation, such as small trees, shrubs and grasses, will be planted along the creekside to help bind soil and enhance biodiversity.
We expect to complete the removal works within one week with planting to follow and be completed by end of July, weather depending.
While the works are happening, you may hear noise, see workers and machinery in the area. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work towards a healthier, safer and more appealing landscape.