Coalition Against Duck Shooting Campaign Director, Laurie Levy, said today: "Despite the scientific reports that show native waterbirds are in serious long-term decline, Premier Jacinta Allan has extended Victoria's duck shooting season this year, even with the serious risk of spreading bird flu that could be present on any wetland.
"Premier Allan seems to be devoid of any feeling or compassion for Australia's magnificent native waterbirds and the unnecessary suffering they will endure in 2025, just so a dwindling number of duck shooters, who make up less than 0.2 per cent of Victoria's population, can get their kicks," Levy said.
"It is extremely disappointing that a Victorian Labor Premier continues to allow a duck shooting season today when former West Australian Labor Premier Carmen Lawrence banned the activity 35 years ago due to the cruelty and illegal shooting of protected and threatened species. Other Labor states followed with bans in New South Wales in 1995, and Queensland 20 years ago, but not Victoria.
"It is difficult to believe that today's Victorian Labor Premier still has the same duck shooting policy as the 1950s Liberal Premier, Sir Henry Bolte. Yet Victorians today want duck shooting banned. The Victorian Government's own Parliamentary Inquiry called for native bird shooting to be banned from 2024, but Premier Allan ignored the inquiry's recommended ban.
"Premier Allan will always be remembered for her abuse of Australia's native waterbirds," Levy said.
"However, in fairness, our rescue team would like to pass on our appreciation to Environment Minister Steve Dimopoulos and members of Cabinet for closing off 19 wetlands to shooting, due to the presence of protected and threatened species. These wetland closures will save the lives of thousands of native waterbirds and many other species that are illegally shot during every season," Levy concluded.
Rescue teams will be at the Kerang wetlands in northern Victoria for the opening of the duck shooting season on Wednesday, 19 March 2025.