Victoria Park Pool's Electric Blue Summer

City of Sydney

Sydneysiders have flocked to Victoria Park Pool to make a splash, exercise and enjoy the renewed facilities complete with cheaper and more efficient electric heat pumps.

More than 55,000 people visited the facility in the summer months after it reopened in October.

The upgrade included replacing end of life gas water heating systems with efficient electric heat pumps, and a new smart control system that optimises performance.

"We're on a mission to reach net zero emissions by 2035 and getting off gas is key to a sustainable future that is not only cleaner but also more cost effective," Lord Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore AO said.

"Electric heat pumps are far superior in terms of efficiency when compared to polluting gas systems which means we can reduce our running costs and impact on the environment at the same time.

"Emissions in our operations have dropped 76% since 2006 and we plan to replace aging gas systems in the rest of our pools over the coming years."

All City of Sydney operations are powered by 100% renewable electricity sourced from wind and solar farms in regional NSW.

Victoria Park Pool is the first of 6 City of Sydney pools to have its gas infrastructure replaced. The works also included resurfacing the toddler pool, improving the air conditioning and upgrading the reception space.

Andrew (Boy) Charlton Pool is currently undergoing a major refurbishment including switching from gas to efficient electricity. We will replace the waterproof membrane and tiles, carry out key maintenance on the concrete and steel structure, and install a new lift and pool decking.

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