Victoria Pledges $89M to Combat Gender-Based Violence

Dept of Social Services

The Albanese Labor Government and Allen Labor Government are working together to deliver more frontline critical family, domestic and sexual violence services in Victoria.

Both governments have demonstrated their commitment to ending gender-based violence by renewing the five-year National Partnership Agreement on Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Responses.

The Victorian Government will receive an additional $89.7 million in Commonwealth funding as part of the renewed National Partnership, bringing the total Commonwealth investment to $163.9 million since 2022.

The funding is matched by the Victorian Government to support frontline family, domestic and sexual violence services, including specialist services for women and children, and men's behaviour change programs.

Minister for Social Services, Amanda Rishworth, said that real, transparent and productive partnerships between governments are required to achieve change.

"Through the FDSV National Partnership, we are demonstrating the commitment of governments to work together to fund frontline services, strengthen supports and ultimately end gender-based violence in Australia," Minister Rishworth said.

"This renewed partnership will provide longer term funding certainty to family, domestic and sexual violence frontline services and help impacted Victorians access the support they need."

"The signing of this agreement marks an important milestone of delivery with all states and territories now having signed renewed partnership agreements with the Commonwealth."

The renewed FDSV National Partnership will deliver over $700 million across all jurisdictions in new, matched investments from the Commonwealth and states and territories, supporting frontline FDSV services, including specialist services for women and children impacted by FDSV, and men's behaviour change programs.

An additional $1 million will also be used for an independent evaluation of the renewed FDSV National Partnership.

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