Victorian businesses can now plan for restart when schools reopen

Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Today's announcement from the Premier provides the certainty business was looking for, with a set date of 9 June for all children to be back in their classrooms.

Victorian businesses will be able to start planning to restart their businesses with new clarity around when schools will reopen. announced this morning.

The Victorian Chamber yesterday consulted members regarding the first easing of restrictions announced by Premier Daniel Andrews, and many were disappointed that Victoria would not move ahead like other states with a similar rate of infection.

Businesses can now continue to take steps to prepare themselves to reopen, when given the green light from government. This is a good opportunity for businesses to refine their e-commerce plans and modernise their business, taking advantage of government support. The Victorian Chamber has also produced a checklist for businesses as they prepare to restart.

Throughout this crisis, the Victorian Chamber has advised its members that they must adapt to the circumstances they find themselves in, as we will not be returning to business as usual for the foreseeable future.

To be attributed to Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chief Executive Paul Guerra:

"We wanted certainty from the Government and we believe returning children to the classroom, in line with the health advice of Australia's Chief Health Officer, provides some certainty now for the thousands of businesses planning for the restart.

For many businesses, 9 June will signal an end to a challenging period for some employees who have juggled working from home and educating their children.

Reopening schools will be vital for businesses to restart when restrictions on operations are eased further.

We continue to support the government in its very successful management of the health crisis and today's announcement will be welcome news for many businesses eager to reopen.

Every business owner must put plans in place to ensure a safe return to work for employees, and to ensure the spread of the virus is minimized.

We will continue to work with our members across the State to look for opportunities for business to restart in line with the Government's recommendations, and we encourage the Premier to review these arrangements on a weekly basis rather than waiting until the end of May."

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