Victorian Man Charged for Threats, Antisemitic Abuse

AFP Special Operation Avalite has charged a Victorian man with allegedly making death threats and antisemitic comments to a Commonwealth Member of Parliament.

The man, 41, was charged today (18 March, 2025) with:

  • One count of using a carriage service to menace, contrary to subsection 474.17 of the Criminal Code (Cth), which carries a maximum penalty of five years' imprisonment; and

  • One count of threatening to cause serious harm to a Commonwealth Public Official, contrary to subsection 147.2(1) of the Criminal Code (Cth), which carries a maximum penalty of seven years' imprisonment.

He was granted bail and is scheduled to appear before Dandenong Magistrates' Court on 19 June, 2025.

The AFP will allege the man used social media to contact a Commonwealth MP multiple times between 7January, 2025, and 19 February, 2025, making death threats and antisemitic comments.

The AFP executed a search warrant at the man's home in the Melbourne suburb of Officer today (18 March, 2025) and seized an electronic device.

AFP Assistant Commissioner Stephen Nutt said Special Operation Avalite would continue to tirelessly investigate antisemitic conduct, including threats to elected officials.

"Anyone engaging in this type of deplorable behaviour can expect a knock on the door and a swift date with the courts," Assistant Commissioner Nutt said.

"No one, be they an elected representative or member of the public, should have to endure vile, villainous threats based on their race, religion or ethnicity.

"We will not stand by and let antisemitism run rife through the Australian community."

Under Special Operation Avalite, AFP officers and analysts, representing an experienced squad of counter terrorism investigators, continue to deploy nationally to investigate incidents seen to be:  

  • Urging violence against members of groups;  

  • Advocating terrorism;  

  • Advocating genocide;  

  • Using a carriage service to make a threat;  

  • Using a carriage service to menace or harass;  

  • Unlawful display of prohibited symbols; or

  • Using a carriage service to make available personal data of one or more individuals or members of certain groups (doxxing).  

To ensure resources and capability are deployed efficiently, Special Operation Avalite does not replicate state and territory police antisemitism investigations.  

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