Victory Goldfields (ASX: 1VG)
- 3,550m Reverse Circulation ("RC") drilling program across three projects has commenced
- The RC drilling program will systematically test new targets, as well as extensions to known gold mineralisation:
- Coodardy project - 1,150m program in known historical gold mineralisation. Historical results include:
- 12m at 4.5 g/t Au from 12m
- 14m at 4.21 g/t Au from 14m
- Coodardy program forms part of a larger resource definition drilling program to delineate a maiden JORC 2012 compliant resource at Coodardy
- Emily Wells project - 1,200m program testing the gold anomaly along the strike extensions from Oxonia mineralisation
- Nemesis (Tuckanarra) project - 1,200m program testing recently identified gold anomaly
- Coodardy project - 1,150m program in known historical gold mineralisation. Historical results include:
- Gold in soil geochemical program in progress on P20/2410 located immediately north of Emily Wells project
Victory Goldfields (ASX:1VG) ("Victory" or "the Company") is pleased to announce it has commenced a 3,550m Reverse Circulation ("RC") drilling program across three projects – Coodardy, Emily Wells and Nemesis (Tuckanarra). The RC program follows recent successful soil geocheomical programs and the results of the DD drilling program at Coodardy.
Victory's Executive Chairman, Trevor Matthews said: "Victory is maintaining a high level of activity on its extensive portfolio of projects in the Cue goldfields. Following a number of successful soil geochemical programs and a DD program which identified a new target, the RC drilling program is focussed on three projects with high potential for success."
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