Virgin Australia donates 6,000 meals to vulnerable Australians

The Virgin Australia Group, together with food rescue charity OzHarvest, have donated a record 6,000 meals to hungry Australians this week.

The surplus food, leftover after the airline was forced to close its lounges and ground many aircraft following increased travel restrictions and reduced travel demand amid COVID-19, will feed many communities in need throughout Australia.

Virgin Australia CEO and Managing Director Paul Scurrah said the silver lining in this crisis is the Group's relationship with OzHarvest.

"Because of the coronavirus crisis we've had to ground 90% of our usual flying, we've had to close the lounges that are normally open and because of that we have excess meals," said Mr Scurrah.

"We're working with OzHarvest to make sure these meals don't go to waste and they go to those that need them most and this week alone we've donated 6,000 to hungry Australians," he said.

Communities will benefit from what is the equivalent of three tonnes of donated food, including award-winning meals from the airline's business class and lounge menus.

OzHarvest spokeswoman Michaela Windsor said that many people will benefit from the food Virgin Australia is donating from airports and lounges nationally.

"Our hearts go out to anyone who is currently impacted by the coronavirus crisis," said Ms Windsor.

"The generous donations from Virgin Australia will feed many vulnerable Australians from all walks of life who are doing it tough," she said.

Since joining forces in 2015, Virgin Australia has donated more than 1.6million meals to OzHarvest, to help communities in need.

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