Virtual Fences Installed to Curb Roadkill on Jumping Creek

Manningham Council

Did you know there are 20 virtual fence posts positioned along Jumping Creek Road, between Nelson Drive and the entrance to Warrandyte State Park's Jumping Creek Reserve, to protect local wildlife and help reduce roadkill?

Installed by Manningham Council as part of the Jumping Creek Road upgrade, these innovative virtual fences are designed to save animals' lives by releasing sound and light when a car approaches.

Manningham Mayor, Councillor Deirdre Diamante, said the initiative is an important step towards addressing wildlife road fatalities.

"These virtual fences are a fantastic way to protect our local wildlife, especially in areas where animals frequently cross the road," Cr Diamante said.

"We strategically placed these fences near Jumping Creek, as animals use creeks as habitat corridors."

"You will see the fence posts along the side of the road… and we encourage residents to be aware and help us keep our wildlife safe."

While they might look like street posts, these virtual fences play a crucial role in enhancing road safey for both wildlife and drivers.

Local wildlife rescuer, Katja Gutwein, has seen the benefits of these fences firsthand.

"The virtual fence is a low-cost solution that has drastically reduced wildlife fatalities and improved safety for all road users," Ms Gutwein said.

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