Volunteering On Diplay At Annual Expo

Malvern Town Hall was a showcase of volunteering opportunities on Friday, 14 March when more than 200 people descended on the hall for the annual Stonnington Volunteer Expo.

Representatives from 37 different volunteering organisations attended the day to chat to expo visitors, share information about their volunteer programs and encourage others to join them.

Expo visitors browsed the stalls and immersed themselves in all things volunteering - from putting their skills to work at a repair cafe, to helping out the local Girl Guides, to volunteering their time as a tutor or at the historical society - the options were endless.

The annual expo is all about bringing people and volunteering organisations together in one place, where attendees can spend a few hours getting to know the opportunities available to them and learning how they can get involved.

The 2025 evemt was a huge success with a lively buzz throughout the day and lots of people signing up to share their time.

Becoming a volunteer in Stonnington is not restricted to signing on at the expo, volunteers are welcome to share their time and talents at any time.

If you're interested in becoming a volunteer, or your organisation is looking for volunteers, visit our Volunteer Organisations page where you can find current volunteering opportunities or advertise some of your own.

The volunteers and volunteering organisations of Stonnington make our community more resilient, vibrant and connected.

Whether you are a volunteer already or are ready to sign up to a volunteer group or organisation, you are part of a community that is making a difference in Stonnington, and we thank you!

/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.