Volunteers recognised at international celebration

Champions in the local community were honoured at an International Volunteers Day presentation ceremony and lunch at Armidale City Bowling Club on Tuesday.

It's been a difficult year with drought, bushfires, floods and pandemic and many volunteers have been at the forefront caring for their communities, Armidale Regional Council Acting General Manager John Rayner said.

Mr Rayner presented certificates to a number of volunteers for outstanding contributions and thanked them for their continued dedication to the region.

"This year has really demonstrated the important role volunteering plays in our society," Mr Rayner said.

"When people need a place to stay, clothes on their back or simply a friend to talk to, it's our volunteers who step in and provide support.

"Volunteering is an important way to help individuals and communities in need, provide you with valuable work experience and a chance to contribute to community life, and the opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills," he said.

"It's a wonderful way to really connect with your community and gain satisfaction you are making a difference to foster a stronger community."

He said the variety of volunteers recognised in the celebration demonstrated a strong volunteering community in the region.

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