Gathered in the European Council meeting on 29-30 June, the EU leaders discussed the EU's support for Ukraine, migration, long-term competitiveness, the EU-China relations and external relations.
Speaking to the press following the meeting, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen firstly congratulated and thank the Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson on the successful 6 months of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU. She said that the Swedish Presidency was, among other, crucial in maintaining Europe's ironclad unity in support of Ukraine. The EU has so far mobilised EUR 70 billion for Ukraine, and adopted eleven packages of sanctions against Russia.
"During this European Council, we have discussed the topic of immobilised Russian assets. The Commission will come forward with a proposal. We will focus prudently on the windfall profits from the immobilised assets of the Russian Central Bank", the President added.
She also praised the efforts of the Presidency in finalising the negotiations on the 'Fit for 55' package, a set of legislative proposals at the heart of the European Green Deal, but also for brokering agreements on the European Chips Act and the Data Act.
Past six months were also dominated by themes of Europe's competitiveness and the energy crisis. There, the President thanked the Presidency for sending a strong signal to European industry amidst a fierce global tech race.
Speaking of China, the President said there was broad consensus on the concept of de-risking, not decoupling, both among the EU leaders here and also with partners in the G7. "Economically, that means reducing our vulnerabilities in our economic relationship", she explained, while diplomatically this meant keep open communication lines with China on issues on 'which we agree and those on which we disagree'.
"All in all, this means continued engagement with China but following a European approach that is based on our interests and on our values", she stressed.
The President concluded with the topic of migration, which she called a 'common challenge that requires a European response'. "The general position reached by the Council on the Pact on Migration and Asylum is a watershed moment. We can now take it forward with the European Parliament", she noted.
Ahead of the European Council, President von der Leyen summarised in a letter to the EU leaders all the different steps that have been taken since the last European Council. "The centrepiece is that we have to crack down on criminal networks of smugglers and traffickers that exploit human despair. And we should develop alternative pathways to help people come to the European Union on safe ways because that breaks the business model of the smugglers and the traffickers", she underlined.
She also pointed out to the need for a concerted outreach to partners, quoting the example of Western Balkans that have taken major steps to align their visa policies with that of the EU, helping reduce the number of irregular movements.
Finally, she highlighted the strengthening of the external borders and the improvement of the efficiency of the border management. "We have two pilot projects that are set-up in Bulgaria and Romania, with the support of the Commission, Frontex, Europol and the Asylum Agency", she explained, adding that they may serve as a best practice for other external borders of the EU.