Von Der Leyen Speaks at Ukraine Leaders' Meeting in London

European Commission

We have discussed everything that is around peace through strength.

And of course, security guarantees are of utmost importance for Ukraine. But we need comprehensive security guarantees.

This includes that we have to put Ukraine in a position of strength, that it has the means to fortify and protect itself from economic survival to military resilience.

It is basically turning Ukraine into a steel porcupine that is indigestible for potential invaders.

Therefore, the focus is not only on the military supply, but also, for example, securing the energy system and making sure that over time this is a strong and resilient country.

The second element I brought to the table is that we urgently have to rearm Europe. And for that I will present a comprehensive plan to the leaders on how to rearm Europe on 6 March when we have our European Council.

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