Government response to Perth Casino Royal Commission tabled in Parliament
Important milestone to ensure State's only casino managed in a responsible way
McGowan Government has taken deliberate staged approach to detailed response
Significant reforms have already been implemented with more underway
The McGowan Government has released its historic response to the Perth Casino Royal Commission.
It supports 49 of the 59 recommendations, with a further eight supported in principle and one supported in part. The remaining recommendation would only be relevant if the State Government removed the ban on poker machines.
The Government's response builds on reforms that have already been implemented including:
- an independent chair and six new members of the Gaming and Wagering Commission;
- an Independent Monitor to oversee remediation at Perth Casino;
- governance and cultural reforms including new conflict of interest policies;
- a direction to the casino licensee to implement a $10 betting limit on electronic gaming machines on the main gaming floor at Perth Casino;
- the banning of junkets; and
- expanded powers for the Gaming and Wagering Commission to direct the casino licensee with respect to all operations at the Perth Casino.
The McGowan Government also remains committed to maintaining its ban on poker machines and restricting electronic gaming machines to within the casino.
Further legislative amendments will be made this year, followed by improved gaming laws for Western Australia.
Crown has been given two years until September 2024 to implement the required remediation, which will be overseen by the Independent Monitor, Paul Steel.
To view the State Government's response to the Royal Commission, visit
As stated by Racing and Gaming Minister Reece Whitby:
"This is an important milestone in progressing these reforms and holding the State's only casino to account.
"We will continue to work to ensure the operation of Perth Casino and its governance meets the expectations of the Western Australian community.
"Significant reforms have already been implemented and more are underway. This is the next step in addressing the Royal Commission's findings and recommendations and it's crucial we get this right."