The WA Health Central HREC is seeking expressions of interest from prospective members.
Members of the WA Health Central HREC will review human research proposals, assess the ethical implications of specific projects, and promote responsible research conduct.
WA Health Central HREC is also seeking people who are subject matter experts in one or more clinical and/or allied health specialties. Subject matter experts are called upon as required to review applications that involve their field of expertise.
In accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (National Statement), members sought include:
- potential chairpersons with suitable experience (e.g. current or previous research experience, ethics committee experience, and/or senior academic or management experience)
- people who can bring a broad community or consumer perspective and have no existing paid affiliation with the Department of Health
- people with knowledge of, and current experience in, the professional care or treatment of people (e.g. nurses, counsellors or allied health professionals)
- people who perform a pastoral care role in a community (e.g. elder, community leader, chaplain, minister of religion)
- qualified lawyers, who do not have to be currently practicing
- people with current research experience
- people with knowledge and current experience in information security
- people with knowledge of and current experience in the management and use of state-wide health data collections who is employed by the WA Health system
- people with knowledge and current experience in pathology/ the collection and use of biospecimens.
If you are interested in becoming a WA Health Central HREC member or expert reviewer, the Expression of interest form.
As a member of the WA Health Central HREC your insights, critical thinking, and dedication to protecting the safety and rights of research participants will guide the research community in the development of high quality, vital and impactful research.