WA Joint Anti Child Exploitation Team (WA-JACET) detectives have further charged a 36-year-old man as part of their ongoing investigation into his online activities.
In November 2020 the man was charged with 25 offences and his electronic devices seized. Analysis of these devices identified a further victim of the man's online grooming behaviour. It is alleged detectives identified child exploitation material and obscene material on devices belonging to the man.
The 36-year-old man from Hammond Park has been further charged with:-
• 2 x Possess Child Exploitation Material;
• 1 x Possess or Copy an Indecent or Obscene Article;
• 1 x Intent to Expose a Person Believed to be under 16 years to Indecent Matter; and
• 1 x Intent to Procure a Person Believed to be under 16 years to Engage in Sexual Activity.
He is due to appear in the Fremantle Magistrates Court today, Friday 5 February 2021.
Members of the public who have any information about people involved in child exploitation material are urged to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report online to the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation via the Report Abuse button at www.accce.gov.au/report.
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